Are you one of the millions of Americans that’s always wanted to own a home, but just doesn’t have the cash to make that dream come true? We can help!
We’ll show you mortgage grants and affordable housing in your area that’ll make you a homeowner before you know it!

What’s Affordable Housing?
Affordable housing is a type of homebuyer support program that’s designed to make homeownership affordable to low and moderate income earners. For example, in Broward County, Florida, that’s a single person making up to $58,080 per year)Florida Housing administers the program in Florida and issues grants to 67 counties and 52 Community Development Block Grant entitlement cities in the state. Local governments use these funds to create programs that reduce housing costs, keep rent prices low, and assist people with home purchases and repairs. The program allows home buyers to put as little as one percent (1%) of their own fund down when purchasing a home.
These types of homes are priced according to local median income levels, rather than market prices. People qualify for affordable housing based on their income and the size of their household. The larger their household, the higher the income limit before they stop being eligible for the program.
These and other programs like it help people find low-cost homes and can additionally provide down payment assistance and help with closing costs. Our service works to provide you with all the information you need to find and purchase the perfect home in your area.